What does Yes on Q1 mean for you?


How are we reacting to the Ballot Question 1 outcome? We have a bad case of the blues this morning after it passed.  


Ballot Question 1: Repeal Gas Tax Indexing

The "yes" vote just repealed funding for transportation infrastructure by preventing the gas tax to automatically increase with inflation. The passing of Q1 will eliminate a projected $1 billion over the next ten years to spend on transportation projects across the state to keep our roads, bridges, and public transportation safe. Remember the headlines in 2013, "Transportation Funding Bill Passes!"? Well that funding just got hacked down, worsening the Commonwealth's ability to simply maintain our existing system.


Despite the loss, something really important happened during this campaign: a broad coalition of advocacy, business, neighborhood and labor groups, to name a few, came together to form the "Committee for Safer Roads and Bridges."  


LivableStreets played an active role in the campaign to Vote No on Question 1, with staff connecting with business leaders and our members staffing phone banks urging support for safer roads and bridges through investment.  


Thanks to all who have helped out. If you are member of LivableStreets, you too are an active participant helping make the world a better place. Thank you.


What's next? Higher transit fares and more broken down trains? No street networks with protected bike lanes and wider sidewalks? 


In the coming days and weeks we will continue to work with our partners to figure out important next steps that will ensure investments for the transportation options we all care about. While funding will be limited, we will work closely with our new allies to increase and improve our transportation system.  


When I come to work every day, I am proud to be a part of these efforts, even in times like this. 

And for more about how transportation fared in elections across the country, check out this round up by CityLab. 





Jackie Douglas 

Executive Director

LivableStreets Alliance