a weekly e-mail with top headlines and quick links to news stories related to urban transportation compiled by LivableStreets board member and Director of Advocacy, Charlie Denison.
a monthly e-mail with advocacy project updates, event listings and action e-lerts related to urban transportation issues written and edited by Campaign Coordinator, Jamie Maier, Program Manager, Kara Oberg and Executive Director, Jackie Douglas.
Musings on transportation, health, and livable communities by Steve Miller, LivableStreets board member. The blog explores how our transportation system can be structured to improve our lives – to make it easier to earn a living, buy our necessities, stay healthy, participate in supportive families and communities, be active citizens, be creative and enjoy ourselves throughout the life cycle – by creating more livable streets.
Our streetfilms highlight the great uses of streets in Boston that are making it a more connected, enjoyable, livable city. The films also encourage progress where change is still needed. They are part of the ongoing effort by LivableStreets Alliance to inform and inspire citizens to demand more than the status quo for their community.