Sponsors and business members

Thank you to all our sponsors and business members.

Platinum Sponsors:


Jason & Fischer, a bicyclists' law firm, representing injured bicyclists and bicyclists with legal needs for thirty years. 47 Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108 / 617-423-7904

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts.

Platinum Business Members:



Toole Design Group (TDG) is a full-service planning and design firm with offices in Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Madison, WI; and Seattle, WA. They are national leaders in transportation master planning, traffic calming, pedestrian and bicycle research and facility design, rail-trail planning and design, "Complete Streets" design, transit accessibility, Safe Routes to School planning and design, and a variety of other related areas. We are particularly skilled in retrofitting transportation systems, making walking, bicycling and transit-use safer and more convenient modes of transportation.

Gold and event sponsors and members:




Your business, the company you work for, or a shop you know can become a sponsor of LivableStreets. Businesses can tap in to the marketing power of our sponsorship program, gaining visibility at our monthly events, in our monthly newsletter, on our website, and more! For more information and including benefits please contact [email protected]