Rush Hour Race
What's the fastest way to get from Davis Square in Somerville to Kendall Square in Cambridge?
What's the fastest way to get from Davis Square to Dewey Square along the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston?
Rush Hour Race answered these questions.
In 2012, the bike proved the fastest way to get from Davis to Kendall. In 2013, the T proved the fastest way to get from Davis to Dewey. Watch the 2013 Rush Hour film here.
“Imagine if the T came on time every day and never broke down? By investing in, and prioritizing transit, this could become commonplace. By investing in transit, biking, and walking, everyone’s rush hour commutes can improve.” – said Kara Oberg, Program Manager for LivableStreets.
Which route will be chosen for the 2014 Rush Hour Race? Let us know which route you would like to see chosen and why on Twitter #RushHourRace.
Interested in getting involved with the event, as a commuter, volunteer, or sponsor? Email [email protected].