Save the date: Moving MA Forward on June 4 at 6pm
You're invited to Moving MA Forward: A Gubernatorial Forum on Transportation & Smart GrowthSmart Growth.
The election of the next governor of Massachusetts is a huge opportunity to improve cities and communities across the state. RSVP today to find out where the gubernatorial candidates stand on vital issues that impact our communities.
Event details:
June 4, 6-8 PM
@ the Boston Public Library, Rabb Lecture Hall
700 Boylston Street, Boston
The forum is sponsored by Transportation for Massachusetts and Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance, and coordinated by LivableStreets Alliance with Kendall Square Association. Moderators Paul McMorrow, Associate Editor at Commonwealth Magazine, and Doug Foy, CEO of Serrafix, will keep the forum dynamic, lively, and informative.
Hear from the future governor of Massachusetts and let all the candidates know you care about transportation & smart growth. RSVP today.
See you there!
Jamie Maier, Campaign Coordinator
P.S. Have a question for the candidates? Submit today via twitter #MovingMAForward.
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