e-lert: Comm Ave public meeting on Tuesday!


Don't miss your opportunity to weigh-in on the city's updated design for Comm Ave!

Join us at the City of Boston's public meeting Tuesday, March 24 to learn more about the city's plan for a safer Comm Ave and voice your praise and concerns.
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An example of a more complete street design with protected bike lanes.
Key points to raise at the meeting:

1) Thank you for the protected bike lanes!
2) Prioritize transit, including signal priority for the Green Line and buses
3) Create a crosswalk at Naples Street
4) Create better crossings for people to walk across Comm Ave
5) Create raised crosswalks parallel with Comm Ave
To learn more, visit our Safer Comm Ave project page.
See you there!

P.S. Join us and partners at the after-party immediately following the meeting. We'll be at Cornwall's, 654 Beacon St in Kenmore to socialize and celebrate.