Action e-lert: Defend progress on the Casey tomorrow


I know you are thinking "but construction has already started, why do I need to go to another meeting?" 
Unfortunately, we've learned time and time again that a project isn't won until it's built--and the Casey is no different. There is still opposition to the removal of the overpass and many of the features we fought so hard to have included in the design.
I want to make sure that we have better sidewalks and bike lanes, a beautiful park that connects residents on both sides of Forest Hills, a better T station and most importantly, a safer intersection, so I will be there. Will you? 
Casey Overpass Construction Update Meeting
Thursday, May 7, 7:00 to 9:00PM
@ Boston English High School Auditorium
144 McBride Street, Jamaica Plain
Help make this image a distant memory -- join me tomorrow!
At the meeting be sure to sign up to speak when you arrive. Key talking points include:
  • Thank you! Its great to see the construction underway. Lets keep it going!
  • Please ensure that all people, whether they are walking, biking, driving or taking the T, are accommodated during the construction.
  • Consider adding a temporary two-stage turn queue box to facilitate bicycle movements heading south from the Southwest Corridor Park towards Roslindale. The temporary conditions are difficult to navigate safely.
If you'd like to learn more about this project, visit our project page.
Thank you for all of the work you've already done to make our neighborhood and our streets more livable. Lets keep the momentum up. I hope to see you tomorrow!
Stacy Thompson 
Deputy Director, LivableStreets
JP resident