Update: Safer Comm Ave - Pitch in to reach $1800 in 10 hr goal

LivableStreets: Vision. Engagement. Action. Donate.

Dear Jackie,

Our vision for Comm. Ave.
(Illustrative example from Los Angeles)
We need your support to win a safer Comm. Ave! To keep this campaign going, we are looking to raise $1,800 over the next 10 hours, that's only $180 per hour. It's #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back.

The story so far...

For years, we have been saying no to an inadequate design for Commonwealth Avenue that focuses on cars at the expense of biking, walking, and transit. Our Ambassadors hit the streets and worked hard collecting over 1800 signatures and stories urging Boston to change course. We brought your voice to City Hall loud and clear.

What resulted was an invitation by City Hall's Transportation Commissioner James Gillooly to present our case in front of a packed room of public officials and consultants (click here to view the presentation delivered by a coalition of advocates). Progress! The Commissioner is now looking into a redesign that is safer for people who use the street.

What happens next?

Now is a critical time in the process where we work hand-in-hand with the city on specific design changes to include protected bike lanes, safer pedestrian crossings, and priority for transit. And at the same time we need to continue to build the political support for a redesign. There is limited time to make this happen, now is when we need your support.
Speak up and keep the pressure on the City for a safer Comm. Ave.

Comm. Ave: Who are we designing for?
Boston University students are taking matters into their own hands. BU Bikes is hosting an open meeting and has arranged for Commissioner Gillooly to be present. Please attend and voice your support for a safer Comm. Ave.
Tuesday, December 9 at 6:30pm

Jacob Sleeper Auditorium
Boston University West
871 Commonwealth Avenue
Representatives from BU Bikes, LivableStreets, Boston Cyclists Union, WalkBoston, and MassBike are all speaking at the event, with time for comments from the audience. Landry's Bicycle Shop is hosting an after-party from 8:30-10, free and open to everyone, 790 Comm. Ave.

We want protected bicycle lanes. The Boston Bicycle Network Plan calls for them on Comm. Ave. because they drastically increase safety and ridership. Instead, the City is now proposing a little extra buffer space for the bike lane but that has very limited safety improvements. 68 cyclists were hit by a car on this stretch of roadway between 2009 and 2012. Can we do better?

We want better pedestrian design and traffic calming. The project does not include some of the basics, like crosswalks on the side streets that are raised at the same level as the sidewalk and signal timing that favors pedestrians. Why is this street being designed for 35 MPH traffic?

We want to prioritize trains and buses. The current design does nothing to improve the speed of the Green Line or Buses. How do we expect more people to take public transportation if we continue to make it faster to drive than take the T?

Support this vision by donating now toward the Safer Comm. Ave Campaign.

Donate Now

Attend 10 in 1 StreetTalk

Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 6pm, Central Square Theater, Cambridge. 10 short talks in one night, including one on Comm Ave! Get your tickets today before they sell out. Many thanks to our sponsors, On The Move and Bridj!







Jackie Douglas

Executive Director

LivableStreets Alliance