Issue #125 - April
Issue #125 - April 2018
- Check out the second Vision Zero Progress Report for the City of Boston
- Register for Emerald Network StreetTalk at the BPL
- $5 million for Better Buses, Vision Zero, and Emerald Network projects in Boston
- Omnibus bill moves forward
- LivableStreets is hiring a Multimedia Producer summer intern
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Issue #124 - March 2018
Issue #124 - March 2018
- Check out our Better Buses: Getting Boston on Board report
- Stay tuned for our 2017 Vision Zero Boston Progress Report
- Attend an open house to weigh in on Boston bike share expansion
- Update on the Allston I-90 project
- The City of Boston is hiring traffic engineers
- The Town of Brookline is recruiting two Transportation Board members
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Issue #123 - February 2018
Issue #123 - February 2018
- Welcome to our new Emerald Network Program Manager
- Learn more about the Community Preservation Act at our February Advocacy Committee meeting
- What's next for Allston I-90 advocacy
- Cambridge releases their Vision Zero Action Plan
- The MBTA is hiring a Community Outreach Specialist for AFC 2.0
- Toole Design Group is recruiting interns
- The Barr Foundation is hiring
- The Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) is hiring
Issue #122 - January 2018
Issue #122 - January 2018
- Help fight for #TransitNotTraffic for Allston I-90 project
- Check out our new Longwood Area Report, "Finding a Cure"
- Mark your calendar for upcoming Community Preservation Act forums
- Boston Cyclists Union is hiring a Director of Organizing
- Town of Brookline is recruiting a Transportation Board member
Issue #121 - December 2017
Issue #121 - December 2017
- Help advocate for #TransitNotTraffic for Allston I-90 project
- Support LivableStreets this holiday season
- BostonBRT winners announced at StreetTalk 10-in-1
- Pilot bus-only lane on Washington Street in Roslindale drastically reduces commute times
- Protected bike lanes on Beacon Street in the Back Bay are under construction
- Check out the new Vision Zero Action Plan Guidelines
- We're hiring! Emerald Network Program Manager
Issue #120 - November 2017
Issue #120 - November 2017
- MassDOT Secretary Pollack to speak at our seventh annual StreetTalk 10-in-1
- Call for Street Ambassadors for Beacon Street
- Results from BRT Silver Line all-door boarding demonstration
- The MBTA is moving forward with new payment system
- Winning bid for Green Line Extension project includes amenities that had been cut
- Call for volunteer with video-editing skills
- The City of Cambridge is hiring an Assistant Transportation Planner
- Share your #MyGivingStory and support LivableStreets on Nov. 28
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Issue #119 - October 2017
Issue #119 - October 2017
- Call for Street Ambassadors
- Mayor Marty Walsh to attend World Day of Remembrance
- 2017 Election: Do you know who you’re voting for?
- Beacon Street Vision Zero redesign
- Sign the petition to support Great Neighborhoods
- Learn, network, and be a part of ABX2017/Greenbuild
Issue #118 - September 2017
Issue #118 - September 2017
- Fundraising for Tour de Streets continues through September 30th
- 2017 Election: check out candidates' responses to Vision Zero questionnaire
- Attend the Longwood Area Cyclists Summit on Tuesday
- Join the Emerald Network for 'Opening Our Doors'
- Somerville announces commitment to Vision Zero
- LivableStreets staff and Better Buses program featured in Streetfilm
- Participate in a Hubway expansion planning workshop in your neighborhood
- Save the date for World Day of Remembrance
Issue #117 - August 2017
Issue #117 - August 2017
- Join the Tour de Streets 10 Day $10k Challenge
- Speak up in favor of Night Bus Service
- Greater Grove Hall Main Streets update
- Vision Zero advocates meet with Mayor Walsh
- Five new neighborhoods selected for Boston's Neighborhood Slow Streets Program
- Take a walk with the LivableStreets Advocacy Committee
- Get involved in the MassDOT statewide bike planning process
- Sign up for the Vision Zero Data Challenge
- Employment opportunities
Issue #116 - July 2017
- Register for Tour de Streets
- Last chance to take the Longwood Area multi-modal survey
- Check out the first annual Neponset RiverFest
- Provide feedback for the MPO's Title VI report
- The Massachusetts Senate passes hands-free legislation
- Weigh in on the Morrissey Boulevard redesign
- Apply to join the MBTA Rider Oversight Committee
- The Town of Brookline is hiring an economic development & long-term planner
- Transportation for Massachusetts is hiring a Transportation Justice Organizer
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