Tour de Streets 2024 was awesome - thanks to everyone who donated + participated!
It has been 19 years since we first started our work. Tour de Streets remains our most important annual fundraising event, featuring two bike rides, a walk, ending with a celebration with food and drinks, provided by local vendors, and... ice cream!
This is a great opportunity to connect with partners and friends as we celebrate LivableStreets’ accomplishments and ensure we have the resources to fund our work in the coming years.
Will you help us reach our fundraising goal of $60,000?
Event Details
We were at the Charles River Speedway on Saturday, September 28st! Located at 525 Western Ave in Brighton, the event space is entirely outdoors. There were activities for all ages, as well as music. Thank you to everyone who wore orange!
Here's a general idea of the schedule:
9:30AM | Registration opens. Check in for rides/walk
10:15AM | Registration closes
10:30AM | Walk and Long bike ride depart
10:45AM | Family bike ride departs
11:45AM | Rides + walk return
12:00PM | Check-in + Registration for celebration
12:30PM | Celebration begins!
Enjoy food and drinks from local vendors around the city, and of course... ice cream!
2:00PM | Event ends
You can check out this year's routes in the linked maps.
Walking Route 2024 Urban Ride 2024 Family Ride 2024
Thank you to Tour de Streets 2024's event sponsors!

Thank you to Tour de Streets 2024's vendors!

Fun at Tour de Streets 2023! Photo by Selmon Rafey