What is Go Boston 2030?
In March 2017, the Walsh administration released The Go Boston 2030 Vision and Action Plan. The plan lays out a comprehensive vision to implement an accessible, reliable, and equitable transportation network throughout Boston by the year 2030. Ideas and feedback collected from an extensive, multi-year public engagement process were used to develop the Vision and Action Plan.
2017 - 2020 Progress:
In March 2020, we released our first accountability report, "Not on a Shelf: Reporting on the City of Boston's Progress on Go Boston 2030." The 2020 report found that three years after Go Boston 2030 was released, the City of Boston had made important structural changes to their mobility-related departments, budgets, and priorities, including adding millions of dollars and 20 new staff to the transportation department. While these changes established a strong foundation for the City to make progress on Go Boston 2030 projects and policies, the implementation of these projects and policies did not demonstrate significant progress toward Go Boston 2030’s ultimate goals and targets.
Read our 2020 accountability report here.
What's Next?
The City gave themselves 14 years to reach their 2030 goals—2023 marks the halfway point, an appropriate inflection point for assessment.
On October 12th, 2023, the City announced their plans for Go Boston 2030 ReVisioned, an update to the original plan.
In October 2023, in tandem with the City’s announcement, we released Not on a Shelf 2023, our second assessment of the City’s progress toward goals set in their original plan. The plan was written to inform the City’s newly-announced update.
Read our report here!
If you would like to better understand the impacts of Go Boston 2030 on your community, check out our most recent report. If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].
What You Can Do
Volunteer as a Street Ambassador to help build support for Go Boston 2030 projects and policies.
Become a member: Join our growing community of people invested in creating safe streets and livable communities. Become a member of LivableStreets today!
Contact: [email protected]