Issue #111 - January and February 2017

What's happening

Ask your legislators to support safe streets

Omnibus_bill__(1).jpgWe need your help to make sweeping, effective improvements to street safety throughout Massachusetts. LivableStreets and our Massachusetts Vision Zero Coalition partners have been working closely with Senator Brownsberger and Representatives Hecht and Rogers to file a bill that will prevent crashes and make the Commonwealth safer for all. To ensure its success, we need as many co-sponsors for the bill as we can get by Friday, February 3. Will you do your part and contact your legislators? It’s easy with this simple form that allows you to reach out to your state representative and senator directly. If you've already done your part - thanks! Please help us spread the word. 

Stand with community members at Allston I-90 meeting 

Allston_I90.jpgIn response to MassDOT’s latest proposal for the Allston I-90 Interchange project, the Task Force is convening a meeting to communicate shared community goals to state and local officials in advance of the draft environmental impact report. We need as many advocates in attendance as possible to send a clear message to MassDOT. Join the community in advocating for a project that reconnects Allston while providing necessary biking, walking, and transit infrastructure. 

Event Details: 
Allston I-90 Interchange Community Meeting 
Tuesday, February 7th, 6:30-8pm
@Jackson-Mann Community Center 

Join us at the Longwood Area Cyclists Summit 

Longwood_Area_Cyclists_Logo.pngLivableStreets has been working closely with the Longwood Area Cyclists to address transportation and safety issues in the Longwood area. This event is a great opportunity to learn more about biking improvements coming soon. Also, we'll be kicking off our public engagement that we'll be leading in Longwood throughout 2017. Attend the Summit to learn more about this exciting project. Speakers include Rick Corsi of DCR, Sarah Hamilton of MASCO, and Professor Peter Furth of Northeastern University. 

If you're planning on attending, please RSVP soon as space is limited!

Event Details: 
Longwood Area Cyclists Summit
Wednesday, February 15th, 12-1pm
@Jimmy Fund Auditorium  


LivableStreets in the news

bostonglobe.pngThis year we'll be ramping up our Better Buses work, which was recently featured on the front page of The Boston Globe. Unfortunately, a few days later, the City of Boston witnessed 9 pedestrian crashes in a single day. See our response to this uptick in this WCVB Channel 5 report. Redesigning dangerous streets and intersections is crucial to Vision Zero's success. Streetsblog USA covered our call for more Vision Zero funding in Boston in order to improve safety along Beacon St and other corridors seeing high crash rates. 

Above & beyond: $33,000 in 33 Days challenge

LivableStreetsvolunteerphoto.jpgWe were blown away by the outpouring of support we received during our $33,000 in 33 Days challenge at the end of 2016. With your help, we surpassed our goal, providing us with funding to expand our programming as we continue to advocate for safer streets throughout the Boston area. If you’re interested in helping us mobilize these efforts, sign up as a volunteer. We'll be rebooting our Street Ambassador program this spring! 


Apply for a Neighborhood Slow Streets Zone

slowstreets.pngWant to see safer streets in your neighborhood? The City of Boston is now accepting applications for Neighborhood Slow Streets Zones, a program related to Vision Zero that aims to calm traffic in residential areas by redesigning them. Interested? Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like help applying. The deadline is March 24, 2017.

Save the date for the release of Go Boston 2030

goboston.pngAfter considerable input and support from LivableStreets advocates, the City of Boston will release its Go Boston 2030 Action Plan on March 7th. Be the first to learn what bold steps Boston will be taking to improve and expand its transportation system in the next 5, 10, and 15 years. The release will comprise of an announcement, a day-long interactive exhibit, and an evening discussion panel. Learn more on the Go Boston 2030 website

Event Details: 
Go Boston 2030 Action Plan Release Panel
Tuesday, March 7th, 6-8pm
@Boston Public Library 

MA Smart Growth Alliance is hiring

MA_SMART_GROWTH.jpgThe Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance is looking to hire a Director of Local Leadership, a senior-level position charged with leading outreach with local & regional decision-makers. Sounds like you or someone you know? Check out the job posting and apply here.  

Boston City Council Talks Transportation Policy

furthflyer.jpgThe Boston City Council’s Committee on Parks, Recreation & Transportation, in partnership with Northeastern University Professor Peter Furth, is leading a monthly discussion series on transportation policy. Please be sure to attend the final two panels in the series. The February one will be addressing transit signal priority, and the following will be focused on parking management

Event Details: 
Boston City Council Transportation Policy Talk
Thursday, February 2nd, 4-5:30pm
@Boston City Hall

Event Details: 
Boston City Council Transportation Policy Talk
Thursday, March 2nd, 4-5:30pm
@Boston City Hall