Issue #113 - April 2017

What's happening 


Join us for a Columbia Road speaker series

ColumbiaRd-speaker-series.jpgOnce included in Olmsted's master plan, Columbia Road is a critical part of the Emerald Network, linking Boston Harbor and Franklin Park. This spring, along with the Boston Society of Architects and the Franklin Park Coalition, we are putting Columbia Road back on the table, hosting a 4-part series "Fulfilling the Promise: Community Building and the Emerald Network."

Event Details:
Part II - Examples from Elsewhere: NYC and Washington DC
Tuesday, April 25, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
@ BSA, Fort Point Room
290 Congress Street, Boston

Part III - Examples from Elsewhere: Copenhagen and Indianapolis
Monday, May 1, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
@ BSA, Fort Point Room
290 Congress Street, Boston

Register for StreetTalk: Cities on the Move 

StreetTalkBuses.jpgLivableStreets is teaming up with NACTO and TransitCenter to bring national transportation leaders to Boston to talk about how cities can improve mobility with less space. Join us for "StreetTalk: Cities on the Move" to learn how cities are reshaping their streets to move more people by bus, foot, and bike. Register today to save your seat! Admission is free for LivableStreets members, and general admission is $15. The speakers and venue will be announced soon. We hope to see you there!
Event Details:
StreetTalk: Cities on the Move
Tuesday, May 23, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Location: TBA

Mark your calendar for Tour de Streets

TdS_SteveMiller_peace.jpgLivableStreets is returning to North Point Park in Cambridge for our annual family-friendly event, Tour de Streets, on Saturday, September 9th. If you’d like to get inspired, check out our photos from last year’s event. We’ll be releasing details about our group walk, bike rides, party, and registration soon. Start organizing your team now!

Event Details:
Tour de Streets 2017
Saturday, September 9, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
@ North Point Park, Cambridge



Celebrate the launch of our Emerald Network Newsletter


As a LivableStreets supporter, you play a key role in helping us grow the Emerald Network vision. Subscribe to "Greenway Stories," the Emerald Network's new quarterly newsletter to learn how to stay involved and take action throughout the year. The newsletter will include articles by local thought-leaders, project updates, events, and more. It’s an important step in communicating our goals and expanding our reach, and we want you on the front lines!

LivableStreets in the news

images.jpgOver the past month, our Better Buses and Emerald Network programs have been featured in national media. Read CityLab's look inside Boston's bus revamp and be sure to check out Next City's piece about Columbia Road. Review all of our recent press coverage here.  



Join us for the Old South Meeting House preservation series

Old-South-Meeting-House.jpgTo celebrate the passage of the Community Preservation Act (CPA) in Boston this past November, LivableStreets is cosponsoring a series produced by the Old South Meeting House on preserving neighborhood spaces and amenities. Join us at the Old South Meeting House for its "Churches, Cafés & Community Centers" series to hear from local experts about how the CPA can help activate and maintain Boston's many historic community sites. 

Event Details
Activating a Historic Site - Sip & Spoke Bike Kitchen, Dorchester
Friday, April 28, 12:15pm
@ Old South Meeting House
310 Washington St, Boston

From Firehouse to Art Center - ZUMIX, East Boston 
Friday, May 5, 12:15pm
@ Old South Meeting House
310 Washington St, Boston

Quack back for Make Way for Bike Lanes

Make-way-for-bikelanes.pngJoin the Boston Cyclists Union on Sunday, April 23, for a fun bike ride around (and around and around…) the Boston Public Garden to demonstrate to the City of Boston that we need safe bike facilities connecting our neighborhoods, paths, and parks now.

Event Details:
Make Way for Bike Lanes
Sunday, April 23, 2:00 - 5:00 pm
@ Boston Public Garden

The Trust for Public Land is hiring a program associate

TPL_logo.pngThe Trust for Public Land’s Massachusetts and Rhode Island urban program is hiring a program associate in their Boston office to support their work on climate, urban farms and park development. To learn more and apply, click here.

Kick off Bay State Bike Month


Join the Somerville Bicycle Committee and many of the region's leading bike advocacy groups -- including LivableStreets -- in kicking off Bay State Bike Month in the greater Boston region! There will be an afternoon educational panel at 3pm that you won't want to miss!

Event Details:
Bay State Bike Month Kick-Off
Sunday, May 7, 1:00 - 6:00 pm
@ Aeronaut Brewery, 17 Tyler Street, Somerville