Issue #95 - August 2015
In this issue:
Summer fun is not over just yet!
Taking the next step towards Vision Zero
Welcome new Chief of Streets and Active Transportation Director
Continue readingIssue #94 - July 2015
In this issue:
Get to Watertown on September 12
Greenway Links summer ride
Boston Olympics 2024 gone, but legacy not to be forgotten
MBTA Control Board takes the reigns
The Casey is coming down
Hub on Wheels
New England Bike-Walk Summit
Continue readingIssue #93 - July 2015
In this issue:
- Happy Birthday to you
- Get to Watertown on September 12
- It’s time to rethink buses
- Carshare in Cambridge, bike lanes in Brookline and rethinking the I-90 interchange
- Connect Historic Boston groundbreaking
- Boston Women’s Bike Ride & Bites Festival
- Job opportunities in Cambridge and Boston
Issue #92 - June 2015
In this issue:
- LivableStreets is turning 10!
- Save the date for Tour de Streets
- Meet our growing team
- Treasurer & Finance Committee members needed
- Patagonia picks LivableStreets as local partner
- Gateway East making progress
- Go Boston 2030 Visioning Lab gets creative
- Memorial Drive Recreation Sundays
- Boston Women's Bike Ride & Festival
- Transportation for Massachusetts job opportunity
Issue #91 - April 2015
In this issue:
- Spring Open House recap
- Get a head start on Bike Month
- Take action: Federal transportation bill
- LivableStreets weighs in on parking, buses, Comm Ave
- Massachusetts Transportation Summit
- Go Boston 2030 Public Visioning Lab
Issue #90 - March 2015
In this issue:
- Mayor announces new transportation initiatives, including Vision Zero Boston
- Complete streets design for Comm Ave!
- MBTA woes need to stay a hot topic
- Don't miss our spring open house!
- Rescheduled: Go Boston 2030 Public Visioning Lab
- Massachusetts Transportation Summit
Issue #89 - February 2015
In this issue:
- Save the date: LivableStreets open house April 9!
- 10,000+ signatures for March 4 rally
- Go Boston 2030: Public Vision Forums April 10&11
- Good news, but more to do for a safer Comm. Ave.
- The Walking Evolution and Revolution Conference
- MBTA late night service
Issue #88 - October 2014
In this issue:
- Bike4Life raises over $70,000. Thank you!
- Governor Patrick announces West Station will open 2020
- BU students deserve Safer Streets
- Vote NO on Question One
- When will we see separated bike lanes in Boston?
- Bad drivers and Vision Zero safety don't mix
- Myths debunked: Adding bicycle facilities increases traffic congestion
- Living car-light: South Korea
- Public meetings & other opportunities
Issue #87 - September 2014
In this issue:
- Ride for safer streets on September 13
- Video: Who to vote for in Gubernatorial election?
- Staffing update: Welcome Tom & Jeff
- Madison, WI study tour: Lessons for Boston
- Play in the street September 27 and 28
- Myths debunked: Wider streets are safer
- #SaferCommAve in the news
- Living car-light: Las Vegas is next
- Public meetings & other opportunities
Issue #86 - July 2014
In this issue:
- Register for Bike4Life, September 13
- #SaferStreets Campaign on BNN News
- Summer Member Challenge - 200 by August 22
- Join the LivableStreets Advocacy Committee
- Vote "No" on the November ballot
- Remove McGrath update
- Beacon Street cycle track celebration, August 13
- Myths debunked: Transit investments don't pay off
- Living car-light: Helsinki to make car ownership obsolete in 10 years
- Public meetings & other opportunities