Tour de Streets will feature three routes this year--a 27 mile scenic bike ride, a 5 mile kids bike ride, and a 3 mile walk on the Charles. See below to learn more about each route and register today to participate!
Even if you ride everyday – it's always good to scan the rules of the road:
Obey all the rules of the road
- Use hand signals to let people know you plan to stop or turn
- Give pedestrians the right of way
- Helmets must be worn by all riders (for this ride)
27 mile bike ride
The 27 mile bike route is meant for experienced and new riders alike. The route begins in Watertown and quickly heads west, becoming more scenic with each passing mile. If you are nervous about biking the full 27 miles we are going to work in a few short cuts for you and if you are more experienced you can challenge yourself by doing the route twice!
5 mile kids bike ride
The Tour de Streets family ride is 5.5 miles of calm, fun biking to benefit LivableStreets, which makes Boston metro biking, walking and transit better! Kids as young as 4 years old on balance bikes (but probably not training wheels) should be able to do this route! There are 2 playground rest stops with restrooms and water.
3 mile Greenway walk
Join us for a 3-mile walk through Watertown’s waterfront paths and parks. This route covers a portion of Boston’s proposed greenway network and is a model for safe, beautiful and accessible paths that we want to see more of! Feel free to stop and stroll, walk, or run as we explore the grounds of the Commander's Mansion, enhanced mile-long Watertown Waterfront, new pedestrian crossings to local neighborhoods, and enjoy the Braille Trail Park that opened summer 2015.