A Celebration of Life

Together with the Zeeb family, LivableStreets has built Tour de Streets as a memorial to loved ones, encouraging reflection and action to further a vision for safer streets and more livable communities.
Since 2010, Tour de Streets has grown into one of LivableStreets' most popular events for avid and recreational bicyclists, families with small children and everyone in between.

Remembering Bob Zeeb
Bob Zeeb was a retired educational administrator for the Newton Schools, a coordinator of adult education for the First Unitarian Society of Newton, an avid environmentalist, social justice activist, gardener, and cyclist. He was a resident of Newtonville with his wife, Holly, for the past 45 years. Bob was regularly cycling 50 miles a day and hoped to make a cross-country trip in the summer of 2011. He died on November 10, 2009, as the result of a bicycle crash due to a missing electrical utility vault access plate. Bob and Holly enjoyed many cycling trips together in Crete, New York State, Colorado, and Maine. Bob and his two sons, Peter and Noel,, cycled in the Loire Valley in France together in 2008 to celebrate Bob's 70th birthday.