Mayor Martin J. Walsh presents: Forums on the Future. Imagine Boston 2030 will host a series of conversations with expert panelists to discuss the future of our City.
- The History & Future of Planning in Boston, Thursday, April 27
- The Role of Philanthropy in the Future of Our City, Wednesday, May 3
- How Academic Institutions Play a Role in Boston's Future, Tuesday, May 8
How Academic Institutions Play a Role in Boston's Future Panelists:
Alex Krieger, Moderator, Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design
Dr. Robert A. Brown, Boston University
Dr. Pam Y. Eddinger, Bunker Hill Community College
Dr. Zorica Pantić, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Dr. Lee Pelton, Emerson College
Dr. Valerie Roberson, Roxbury Community College
Learn more and RSVP here.
- May 09, 2017 at 6:00pm – 8pm
Boston Public Library
700 Boylston St
Boston, MA 02125
United States
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