WalkBoston Tech and Walkability Panel

tech and walkability image

From WalkBoston, RSVP on Eventbrite.

How can we use technology to improve the walking environment in our communities?

WalkBoston is celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, so we’re looking at many different aspects of walkability. In this panel, we’ll take a look at walkability and tech - how they are connected, how they can be used to improve health and communities, and where there is opportunity in the future. Thank you to Arnold Worldwide for hosting our event!

Panelists include: 

  • Elizabeth Christoforetti (Placelet / MIT Media Lab) 
  • Tim Fendley (Applied Wayfinding / Legible London) 
  • Chris Osgood (City of Boston's Chief of Streets) 
  • Caroline Smith (SeeClickFix)  
We'll open it up to the audience at the end, but you can also send questions in advance:
  1. Tweet @WalkBoston and use the hashtag #WalkTechBOS 
  2. Send an email to Brendan - bkearney at walkboston dot org 

    We hope you'll join us on 10/26!
Have questions about Tech and Walkability Panel: #WalkTechBOS? Contact WalkBoston
  • October 26, 2015 at 5:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Arnold Worldwide (Downtown Crossing)
    10 Summer St
    Boston, MA 02110
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Brendan Kearney, WalkBoston