Virtual Harbor Use Public Forum: 244 - 284 A Street

Boston Harbor Now holds monthly Harbor Use Public Forums for interested stakeholders to learn about and provide feedback to waterfront developers and public agency planners on projects affecting Boston Harbor’s waterfront and islands.

Join them in October for a conversation with Related Beal about their development proposal for 244 - 284 A Street. Along with the three buildings, the adjoining public parks, connecting alleys, and Harborwalk have the potential to activate and enhance this section of the Fort Point Waterfront and realize the open space vision for the 100 Acres Master Plan. Learn more about the plan for the site and its public realm. This conversation will build on a series of public meetings with the BPDA over the month of October.

The virtual presentation is free, open to the public and available via Zoom and by phone. All participants must register in advance. A link will be sent directly to attendees the day before with specific information on how to join and participate.

For more information, including opportunities to present your waterfront project or proposal at one of these meetings, please contact Alice Brown, chief of planning and policy, at [email protected].

To register for this event please click here.

  • October 28, 2020 at 8:30am – 10am