Boston’s Bike to Work Day Festival celebrates National Bike to Work day and is the city's way of saying, “Thanks for riding your bike today.” It’s important to celebrate everyone who rides in Boston, and to make it easier for new riders to start commuting. Because you rode your bike, you’ll get a free breakfast and coffee, set to music amid an expo at City Hall Plaza. Join a convoy, or just show up for the fun at City Hall Plaza. Going to work after the event is optional.
Registration is free and encouraged so the organizers know to expect you. Registration will also help ensure that there is enough food for everyone. Breakfast is only for cyclists, so please be prepared to show your bike, helmet, Hubway key, or spandex.
This year, there will be purple shirts with the Boston Bikes logo printed in reflective ink. Shirts will be limited to the first 300 people who arrive at the event and have pre-registered.
For more information and to register, please click here.
- May 19, 2017 at 6:30am – 9am
Boston City Hall
1 City Hall Sq
Boston, MA 14025
United States
Google map and directions