Presenting LandLine – MAPC's 1,400 mile Metro Boston Regional Trail and Greenway Plan and Ride
Please join the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) the City of Malden, and many partners to celebrate the unveiling of MAPC's LandLine Trail and Greenway Plan. This is a plan to connect 1,400 miles of trails and greenways throughout the Boston region. There will be remarks by Mayor Christenson, other elected officials, and MAPC.
Following the remarks, there will be a 5 or 9 mile ride to Chelsea and Revere along the Northern Strand Trail, the newly-opened Chelsea Greenway, and the East Boston Greenway. The ride will showcase these three amazing community trails while also highlighting the need as outlined in the plan to connect them in a continuous greenway.
The group will stop along the way for updates on trail development and economic development plans in Everett by Mayor DeMaria (invited) and in Chelsea by City Manager Ambrosino. The ride will finish at Revere Beach by the Blue Line station.
Dockless bikes provided by Limebike will be available to rent for the ride, or bring your own bike.
Meet at the entrance to the Malden Riverwalk, 1/3 mile south of the Malden MBTA station. Look for a grove of trees and the trail entrance just south of Anthony's restaurant.
- May 16, 2018 at 10:00am – 12pm
Malden Riverwalk
146 Canal St
Malden, MA 02148
United States
Google map and directions -
David Loutzenheiser