Issue #180 - August


Double your Tour de Streets impact!

an animated gif that says \

Is it just us, or has this summer flown by? Somehow, Tour de Streets is only ten days away, and we still have a lot of funds to raise.

But there's good news: thanks to a matching gift from a generous anonymous donor, you can double your impact up to $10K!

And don't forget that many employers will match donations made by their employees. Don't forget to check — you might even be able to quadruple your impact. What an incredible possibility!

Can we count on you to help us reach our $60K goal?

Share Your Thoughts about the Southwest Corridor Park!

two street ambassadors, both young and wearing orange livablestreets shirts, smile at the camera. they are standing in front of a fence and greenery, and one is giving the camera a thumbs-up.

Do you live or work along the Southwest Corridor Park? Are there things you love about the park and things you would like to see changed? Share your thoughts by completing this survey

Join our friends at the Trustees & Dorchester Food Co-op for the Green New Dance Party

the top of a poster advertising the 4th annual green new dance party

Join the gardeners at Nightingale Community Garden on September 30th for a fun, family-friendly celebration uplifting the work of a variety of organizations focused on creating a more sustainable Boston.

We teamed up with the gardeners at Nightingale Community Garden for our May gardening event in Dorchester and our staff learned so much from their incredible staff and gardeners. We can say with confidence that you won’t want to miss this opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Nightingale Community Garden!

The event features music and dancing, tasty food for sale, guest speakers, and hands-on activities for all ages. Free and open to all! Registration is appreciated (but not required). For more information, go here.

From Bus Boarding to Flower Bombing

 a person wearing a bright yellow visibility vest walks along the recently painted road, which features colorful geometric flowers; windows on the building behind also feature similar flowers. on the sidewalk is a bus stopPhoto credit: Michelle Moon, Civic Space Collaborative

The City of Chelsea, in partnership with Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP), transformed a level-boarding bus platform into "Flower Walk." "Flower Walk" is a nature, transit, and art experience designed and installed by AdHoc Industries, La Colaborativa, Studioful Design, the HAPI, and several local artists.

Visit the bus stop at the corner of Broadway and Third Street in Chelsea, where you can see photos of the installation process!


Thank you, Melissa!

Melissa, a white woman with medium length curly brown hair and a baseball cap, crouches next to a sign that says \

Earlier this month we said goodbye and thank you to our summer Community Engagement Intern, Melissa White. Melissa was a key contributor to our summer outreach events and we are so grateful for all of her work! We were sad to see her internship conclude, but we wish her the best of luck in starting another school year at MIT!



As a policy, LivableStreets will only advertise opportunities that include salary or compensation information.


Thank you!

Check out the following resources to learn more about what we've been up to lately!

Press: Read local and national press featuring LivableStreets and our work.

StreetFilms: Watch videos highlighting our advocacy and events.

Greenway Stories: Join us as we explore greenway successes and challenges around the Boston area.

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