Thank You for Joining Us at the 12th Annual StreetTalk!
LivableStreets was back in person at the Old South Meeting House, of Revolutionary Spaces, for our 12th Annual StreetTalk 10-in-1 — and it was so wonderful to see everyone. We had a great turnout of partners, supporters, attendees and of course… speakers! This year, we had ten sessions that featured twelve speakers, and we also offered a hybrid model with live ASL translation. Thank you to everyone who attended: whether you came in-person or tuned in online, it was so great to reunite. We were so grateful to have our partners and friends join us to talk about important issues regarding transit advocacy, climate justice, protecting our greenways, equitable housing + land use policies, and more. You can check out information about our speakers, their sessions, and learn more about their organizations on this page! Weren’t able to make it or tune in? No problem! Thank you to the GBH Forum Network for partnering with us on this event and providing a livestream — please stay tuned for the link as our partners at the GBH Forum are working hard to finalize the video for viewing! Help Us Get a Head Start on Our End of Year Fundraising!
The year's almost over, but we're not done yet — on Thursday, we're challenging YOU to chip in to our 10 day $10k fundraiser. Look for an email tomorrow launching the event, and don't forget that many organizations will match donations made by their employees, so you can double your impact! (But don't worry, while you're here you can always get a head start and donate today!) We've got big plans for 2023; will you help us start the new year strong? |
A Toast to 2022 — See You All Next Year!
2022 has seen a lot of exciting changes for LivableStreets! Our office will close for the year on December 23 so our team can take some well-deserved time off, and we will be back on January 3rd. Have a safe holiday season and see you in 2023! |
Thank you!Check out the following resources to learn more about what we've been up to lately!
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