Issue #127 - June 2018 StreetLife |
We're Hiring! Could You Be our Next Community Engagement Manager?LivableStreets is seeking a motivated, full-time Community Engagement Manager to advance key programs including our Vision Zero and Better Buses advocacy initiatives. To learn more about the Community Engagement Manager position and apply, click here. We are looking to fill this position as soon as possible, so please share this email far and wide to help us find a great Community Engagement Manager. And please join us in wishing our outgoing Community Engagement Manager, Andrew McFarland, the best of luck at Tufts University in his pursuit of a Master's in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning -- we look forward to continuing to work with him in a part-time capacity. Update on Several Advocacy Wins
In the last couple of weeks, we've celebrated several big advocacy wins on projects around Metro Boston: Longfellow Bridge Reopens with Some Design Improvements: We celebrated both the reopening of the bridge and the advocacy wins around design improvements, including wider separated bike lanes with flex posts on both the inbound and outbound sides, decreased vehicle lane widths, and increased signage, among other changes. In the coming months we’ll be working with MassDOT and fellow advocates to continue to improve the safety of the bridge for everyone. A Safer Design for Inman Square Moves Forward: The Cambridge City Council voted to move forward with the redesign of Inman Square, which will provide critical safety improvements for people biking, walking, and driving, as well as enhancements for people riding the bus. Please take the time to thank Mayor Marc McGovern, Vice Mayor Jan Devereux, and Councilors Dennis Carlone, Alanna Mallon, Sumbul Siddiqui, and Quinton Zondervan for voting 'Yes' to move the design forward. Bus Lane in Roslindale Will be Made Permanent: In the MBTA's survey on the Washington Street bus lane pilot, 94% of respondents said that they wanted the bus lane made permanent, and the City of Boston has listened! The bus lane will be reinstated on an interim basis later in June, and then will be made permanent later this year. Check out this StreetFilm about the bus lane. CharlieCards to be Accepted on the Fairmount Line: At the May 21 MBTA Fiscal Management and Control Board meeting, we joined fellow advocates from the T Riders Union and Greater Four Corners Action Coalition in asking the MBTA to implement mitigation efforts now in anticipation of AFC 2.0, the forthcoming fare collection system. The T announced that it will be adopting one of our mitigation proposals this summer: implementing handheld fare collectors on the Fairmount Line so that riders are able to pay with CharlieCards, which will better integrate the Fairmount Line into our rapid transit system. If you're excited about these wins and want us to keep up the momentum, help us reach our $5,000 June fundraising goal -- donate today! |
Ready to Roll? Register Now for Tour de StreetsTour de Streets is Saturday, September 8th -- only 3 months away! This annual, family-friendly event features a 10-mile urban bike ride, a 4-mile family bike ride, and a 3-mile walk. It's the perfect opportunity to experience some of our work on the ground, and celebrate our wins together! Join the Get Boston on Board team or start your own! *BONUS* When you register today it will count towards our $5,000 fundraising goal for June! Won't you help us reach our goal? Register now or make a general donation! Event Details: |
Practice Your Skills at Our Next Advocacy Committee MeetingDo you ever feel tongue-tied or intimidated speaking at public meetings? Join us at our next Advocacy Committee meeting on June 27 for our advocacy training session: "Creating an Effective Roar: Tips for Speaking Up at Public Meetings and More". We will be giving tips for how you can effectively craft remarks and advocate for street improvements. You'll have an opportunity to share your concerns and issues with others and get some important practice in a safe and welcoming environment. RSVP to let us know you can join us! |
Recap of Emerald Network StreetTalk "Olmsted for the 21st Century"Thank you to everyone who joined us for our StreetTalk Olmsted for the 21st Century: Creating Urban Change presented in partnership with the Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library. The venue was packed and the excitement was palpable-- evidence that greenways and open spaces are valuable assets that help us all connect and thrive. Together we can work to advocate for more creative, inclusive, and integrated solutions that prioritize access to "breathing room." A special thanks to the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library, and to our panelists Alice Brown,Tamika Francis, Alex Krieger, Jessica Robertson, and Matt Kiefer. This StreetTalk focused on our Emerald Network initiative, which is featured in the Leventhal Center's ongoing exhibition, Breathing Room: Mapping Boston's Green Spaces, running through September 30. |
Attend the Charlestown Lower Mystic Open House June 14
Enjoy snacks and drinks dockside, while helping to create a shared vision for waterfront access, open spaces and mobility improvements on Charlestown’s oft-forgotten waterfront -- RSVP today! Building this greenway could complete an important link in the Emerald Network by connecting existing green space at the Charlestown Navy Yard with Ryan Playground, Sullivan Square, and existing paths along the Mystic River in Malden and Everett. Event Details: |
Get Involved![]() Join a movement to create safer streets. Become a member of our extraordinary and passionate community today! |