Inman Square Intersection Improvements Project Open House & Community Meeting

Open House and Review of Previous Presentation
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM

As a follow-up to the January 30th Community Meeting, join us at this Open House to review various design options which have been considered for the Square over the past year and a half; the strengths and flaws which we discovered during our analyses of each one; and the reasoning behind the decision to move forward with the current option. City and consultant technical staff will be available for one-on-one discussions including a presentation of traffic simulation modeling and other detailed technical information. 

Community Meeting – New Plaza Designs
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

The City is developing plans to improve the intersection of Hampshire Street and Cambridge Street in Inman Square. This meeting will focus on presentation and discussion of three alternative concepts for the reconfigured Vellucci Plaza. 

Note that the presentation slides and a video recording of the January 30th meeting may be viewed on the project webpage