Boston Transportation Department is excited to announce that they'll be hosting a series of in-person and virtual workshops in the month of June. Since the first round of community meetings last fall, they’ve been working on concept designs for safer streets in and around Egleston Square and they’d like your comments and feedback on these designs.
They’ll present alternatives for improvements to the intersection of Columbus Avenue and Washington Street as well as a number of options to improve safety for people walking and biking on neighborhood streets between Franklin Park and the Southwest Corridor.
Because there is a lot of material to review and discuss, two of the virtual meetings will focus on the Egleston Square intersection at Columbus Ave and Washington St and two will focus on proposed bicycle and pedestrian improvements between Franklin Park and the SW Corridor.
Two virtual workshops will be held exclusively in Spanish. Spanish-speaking staff and Spanish-language materials will be available at the in-person workshops.
For more info and to register, please click here.
- June 10, 2021 at 6:00pm – 8pm