Destination2040 Comments Due

Destination2040 is a blueprint that defines the vision, goals, and objectives for transportation planning in the Boston region for the next two decades. Using federal funding forecasts, Destination 2040 prioritizes spending on transportation projects, investment programs, and planning studies to address existing and anticipated mobility needs.

In Destination2040, the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization envisions a modern, well-maintained transportation system that supports a sustainable, healthy, livable, and economically vibrant region. To achieve this vision, the transportation system must be safe and resilient; incorporate emerging technologies; and provide equitable access, excellent mobility, and varied transportation options.

The MPO is accepting comments on the draft Destination2040 until August 23, 2019. The new plan combines both the Needs Assessment and the Draft PlanYou can submit comments through the comment form here or take the survey to let them know your priorities!

  • August 23, 2019 at 12:00am – 11:30pm