Debate: Autonomous Vehicles and Public Space

You are cordially invited to attend the first faculty/industry debate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) on "Cities and Technology”. The first panel will focus on the question "Will autonomous vehicles ameliorate or deteriorate pedestrian qualities of public space?” Pizza and drinks are provided, starting at 12 noon.

Panel speakers will include:

  • Andrew Salzberg, Head of Transportation Policy and Research at UBER.
  • Anita Kim, Technology Policy Analyst from the Volpe National Transport Center, who has been working on regulations for autonomous vehicles.
  • Brent Ryan, Associate Prof of Urban Design and Policy, Head, City Design and Development Group, Chair, PhD Program. MIT DUSP.
  • Andres Sevtsuk, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Director of City Form Lab at the GSD.

The panel will be moderated by Bradley Cantrell, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the GSD.

For more information, contact the TUT-POL office at the GSD.