Day of Action for Road Safety

When we turn our grief and anger into action, our voices have power and we can collectively make change happen. 

Please join the Massachusetts Vision Zero Coalition for a Day of Action at the State House on Wednesday, January 23rd from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. We will go door-to-door and ask our representatives and senators to co-sponsor three traffic safety bills. These bills will save lives, reduce injuries, and bring us closer to Vision Zero:

1. Hands-free -- this bill will improve the current law against texting-while-driving, which is difficult for officers to enforce, by requiring any use of mobile devices while driving to be hands-free. 

2. Automated enforcement – this bill will allow red light cameras and speed cameras to be placed in certain locations in the Commonwealth. When enacted in other states, automated enforcement has reduced speeding and serious crashes. 

3. Truck side guards -- this bill will require trucks in Massachusetts to be outfitted with frame panels to prevent vulnerable road users, including people walking and biking, from going under a truck during a collision. 

To find more information and stay informed, please visit the facebook page and the Vision Zero Coalition website

  • January 23, 2019 at 9:00am – 1pm
  • Massachusetts State House
    24 Beacon St
    Boston, MA 02133
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Emily Stein