Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project Public Meeting

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is pleased to announce the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. This project will replace the concrete deck and steel beams (superstructure) that carry Commonwealth Avenue and the MBTA Green “B” Line over I-90 (Massachusetts Turnpike), and the MBTA Commuter Rail. The replacement will restore the deteriorating bridge while adding functional and safety improvements, including utility relocation, a revised bike lane layout and extensive pedestrian upgrades. We hope you can join us for the first project public meeting on June 2.

MassDOT has engaged Walsh Construction Company, a Design/Build contractor team, who will use Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques to reduce overall construction duration and impacts to users, improve safety and limit costs. MassDOT rejected conventional bridge replacement techniques that would extend construction to 4-5 years and bring related traffic and transit impacts. Using ABC strategies, MassDOT will employ multiple crews working in continuous shifts -- 24 hours a day -- to replace the existing bridge, while maintaining traffic flow on the Mass Turnpike (I-90) below with lane reductions.

There will be two intensive construction shutdown periods, which are projected to take place in summer 2017 and summer 2018. Utility work is in progress to prepare for the project and will continue between shutdowns. During the shutdowns, MassDOT will maintain bus service and access for emergency vehicles, local abutters, pedestrians and bicycles along Commonwealth Avenue. Buses will replace Green Line service. I-90, located below the construction, will have lane reductions. 

You are invited to attend a public meeting on Thursday, June 2, at 6:00 PM at the Jacob Sleeper Auditorium (CGS 129), Boston University, 871 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA. MassDOT and Walsh Construction representatives will describe the project and construction impacts, and respond to your questions.

MassDOT will host public meetings and briefings throughout 2016, 2017 and 2018 to provide detailed project information. You can also find more information about the project at: You can:

  • Sign up for email construction updates and traffic alerts
  • View a detailed project schedule
  • Download maps of detour routes
  • Learn more about traffic options in your area
  • View project documents and presentations
  • Find out about upcoming meetings

If you have questions, or would like to report an issue or concern, feel free to call or email [email protected].