Boston City Council Budget Hearing: Transportation Department

This is one of many hearings to review the FY19 budget. The focus of this hearing is the budget of the Transportation Department. The Chair of the Committee is Councilor Ciommo and the Sponsor of the dockets is the Mayor. 

  1. Dockets #0559-0563

    Orders for the FY19 Operating Budget including Annual Appropriations for Departmental Operations,  Annual Appropriation for the School Department, Appropriation for Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB), Appropriation for Certain Transportation and Public Realm Improvements, and Appropriation for Certain Park Improvements.

  2. Dockets #0564-0565

    Capital Budget Appropriations including Loan Orders and Lease and Purchase Agreements.  

Members of the public are cordially invited to attend and testify.  If you have not testified at a Council hearing before, please arrive five (5) minutes before the call of the hearing to sign up and become familiar with the hearing format, testimony locations and sound system.  Please bring fifteen (15) copies of any written documentation you wish to present at the hearing.

For more information, please click here.

To RSVP on Facebook, click here

  • May 22, 2018 at 5:00pm – 7pm
  • City Hall
    1 City Hall Plz
    Iannella Chamber, 5th floor
    Boston, MA 02201
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Kate Sullivan
