Cambridge Residents Alliance General Meeting

The Cambridge Residents Alliance (CRA) represents individuals and neighborhood organizations committed to preserving and promoting a livable, affordable, and diverse Cambridge community.

The CRA invites you to attend its general meeting, at which five speakers will give brief talks. State Representative Denise Provost (Somerville) will report on the Green Line extension; John Doherty, Coordinator of the MBTA Coalition, will report on efforts to protect Boston area Public Transit from efforts to privatize; Jonathan King will report briefly on Trump Administration proposals for the federal budget; Lee Farris will report on the CRA's efforts to maximize affordable units in new construction through inclusionary zoning; Nancy Ryan will report on the Central Square Rezoning petition. Your responses will be solicited on the development of the CRA's platform that links with the Right to the City movement.

To RSVP, please click here.