Cambridge City Council Meeting

Speak up for safer streets in Cambridge!

In the wake of two recent fatalities, residents in Cambridge are calling on the City to accelerate its Vision Zero efforts and to implement protected bike lanes along major corridors, ensuring safe streets across Cambridge.

The City of Cambridge has proposed a series of pop-up bike lanes to be implemented in Spring 2017. Although this is a good start, we need the lanes to work as a complete network - not simply a patchwork of protections.

Join the upcoming City Council meeting on Monday, November 7th, to voice your support for safer streets in Cambridge. 

How we got here:

  • On October 17th, Cambridge City Council passed several policy orders calling for protected bike facilities along major corridors, including Mass Ave, Broadway, Hampshire, and Cambridge St.
  • Cambridge Bicycle Safety collected over 3,300 signaturesin support of safer biking facilities and delivered them to the Cambridge City Council on October 31st.
  • Cambridge Bicycle Safety, Boston Cyclist Union, and LivableStreets have been meeting with Cambridge city officials to implement safer streets.
  • On November 2nd, city officials presented a safety work plan to the Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts, and Celebrations Committee for popup bike lane pilots, and safety improvements to Porter & Inman Squares.