The Brookline Transportation Board will be discussing a proposal to create a "no parking 6 AM to 10 AM" rule on the inbound side of Beacon Street from Charles Street to the Town Line at St. Mary's. The purpose of the proposal is to establish a bicycle-only lane during the morning rush hour.
When and Where:
Thursday, July 19. The proposal is scheduled to be discussed at 8:45 PM, but could be discussed earlier if the meeting runs ahead of schedule.
Request from Biking Brookline:
Although this is a meeting (and not a hearing), the Board frequently takes public comments at meetings. Please come to show your support for safer bicycling infrastructure on this important commuting route.
If you are unable to attend, you can submit comments on the proposal to Todd Kirrane, Transportation Administrator, at [email protected].
(Please bcc Biking Brookline on your emails ([email protected])).
Rationale for Proposal:
- Beacon Street inbound is a heavily used corridor for both bicycles and motor vehicles during morning rush hour.
- Bicycle counts from 2008 to 2017 ranged from 109 (during construction) to 179 during one peak hour during the morning commute.
- 2017 counts reflect a steady flow of bicycles during the total counting period of 27 to 47 for every 15-minute period.
- At present, heavy, fast moving vehicle traffic may force cyclists dangerously close to parked vehicles where they are at risk of being hit by an opening car door.
- If cyclists take the full right travel lane, as they are entitled to do, it can slow vehicle traffic.
- Rush hour parking restrictions are used in many locations to ease traffic flow; in this location, essentially making the parking lane a bicycle lane during the morning rush hour would have the added advantage of greatly enhancing bicyclists’ safety.
- During the 6 AM to 10 AM period, there are more than sufficient parking spaces on the outbound side of Beacon Street to accommodate parking demand on each block.
- July 19, 2018 at 8:30pm – 10:30pm
Brookline Town Hall
333 Washington St
Room 103
Brookline, MA 02445
United States
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