Boston Region MPO’s draft FFYs 2021-25 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is out for public comment until May 21, 2020, and staff will be hosting a virtual open house on May 18 to discuss the plan in more detail.
At the MPO meeting on April 30, 2020, the board voted to release a draft (PDF) of its FFYs 2021–25 TIP for a 21-day public review period. The MPO will accept comments from members of the public through May 21, 2020. The MPO expects to vote to endorse the TIP at its meeting on May 28, 2020. The TIP includes a list of transportation construction projects the MPO will fund over the next five years, including the pilot round of the Community Connections Program, which focuses on solutions to first- and last-mile transportation gaps.
To ask questions and submit comments you can email Matt Genova, TIP Manager, at [email protected], call him at 857.702.3702, or fill out our feedback form. There will also be one MPO board meeting during the public comment period on Thursday, May 14, 2020.
To register for the Open House on the 18th, please click here.
- May 18, 2020 at 12:00pm – 2pm