Allston/Brighton Mobility Study Kick-off Open House

The public is encouraged to attend the Allston/Brighton Mobility Study kickoff open house.

The purpose of the study is to identify measures to improve mobility for all modes - transit, bikes, pedestrians, and cars.

Come help shape the scope of work! Tell us what mobility issues concern you!

MBTA and MassDOT staff will also be on hand to explain the recommendations of the Better Bus Study and the Allston Transit Improvement Study for Allston/Brighton and discuss other ongoing initiatives. The City Hall To Go Truck will be on site, too!

Building on Go Boston 2030, Imagine Boston 2030, and other plans, the AB Mobility Study is an opportunity to think strategically about the future of mobility in Allston/Brighton. In close partnership with the Boston Transportation Department, MassDOT, and the community, we will explore what steps can be taken to improve mobility, safety for all modes, and quality of life in Allston and Brighton. This study will establish goals and strategies to guide mobility investments throughout the neighborhoods.

Community feedback on focus areas, hot spots, and key corridors will influence how the study is conducted. You’re invited to voice your concerns and help strengthen our study of mobility for all modes in Allston/Brighton!

To learn more about the study and stay engaged in the process by visiting our website:

  • September 12, 2018 at 6:00pm – 8pm
  • Jackson Mann Gymnasium
    40 Armington St
    Allston, MA 02134
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Matthew Moran