The City of Malden is developing a Master Plan that will ultimately guide city decisions on such things on housing density, park ratios, transportation priorities and open space. Communities such as Cambridge and Somerville have used master plans and associate zoning changes to promote more walkable and bikable neighborhoods and business districts that have allowed continued economic and housing development (both affordable and market) while lowering traffic congestion.
As such, the City Council has scheduled the first of a series of public hearings to obtain citizen input on future land use management in the city. Specifically the Council will be seeking resident input on topics including appropriate levels of open space, multi-family housing, building height and parking requirements.
Be sure to come out and express your desire to have Malden be a walkable and bikable community beyond the Trail and Pleasant Street.
- February 09, 2017 at 6:30pm – 8pm
Linden School Cafeteria
29 Wescott St
Malden, MA 02148
United States
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