January 2014
Times A Changin'
With the I-90 Allston viaduct nearing the end of its useful lifespan and all electronic tolling to replace toll booths on the Mass Pike, MassDOT looks to realign the interchange and reshape more than 100 acres.
April 2014
All Hands on Deck
MassDOT invites 45 local and regional stakeholders to join a task force to help determine how best to reimagine the I-90 Allston area.
September 2014
The People's Pike
Advocates submit two alternative designs for I-90. Both prioritize transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and parkland improvements more than the original MassDOT design.
November 2015
Placemaking Study
With influence from advocates, MassDOT recontracts the Boston Redevelopment Authority to conduct a placemaking study of the area.
December 2015
Environmental Impact
MassDOT begins drafting an Environmental Impact Report that will examine and compare all 3 of the designs put forward.
July 2016
The Road Forward
LivableStreets continues to push for a project design that will align with the neighborhood's vision: connecting a green, modern, and multi-modal Allston.