Please join the City of Cambridge Community Development Department for a public meeting to discuss the construction of a bus shelter and associated parking changes on Green Street between Pearl and Brookline. Click here for more information.
The corner of Green Street and Pearl Street is often crowded with people waiting for the bus. The City is building a curb extension to widen the sidewalk near the intersection so that patrons have space to safely wait for the bus and so that a bus shelter and a bench can be installed. Curb extensions also make pedestrians crossing the street more visible to drivers.
To minimize the impact on parking to 1-2 spaces, the City proposes switching the parking from the south side of the street to the north side of the street. We would like to hear your thoughts.
- June 30, 2016 at 6:00pm – 7pm
Central Square Library
45 Pearl St
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
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Tegin Bennett