Participating on key task forces and working groups

Longfellow Bridge Task Force

In 2011, we completed serving on the Longfellow Bridge Task Force, which was created in 2010 in part due to the work of LivableStreets and other advocacy organization to urge MassDOT to take a broader look at the range of multi-modal options for reconstructing the Longfellow Bridge and its approaches. Longfellow Task Force Final Report
Upper Charles River Basin Connections
We have convened a coalition of neighborhood groups, advocacy groups, local stakeholders and government agencies in the Upper Charles River Basin to bring attention to the lack of safe, comfortable pedestrian and bicycle connections to and from the Charles River.
Casey Overpass Working Group
We currently have a representative on the Casey Overpass Working Group, and is working with other advocates, community leaders, and government agencies to promote forward-thinking multi-modal designs that deemphasize the physical presence of cars and that reconnect the Forest Hills area for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders.
Complete Streets Initiative
Based on our growing reputation for effective education and technical assistance, we have been asked to help structure and facilitate the city’s first public workshop to discuss potential Complete Streets guidelines by the Director of Transportation Planning for the City of Boston.