Frameworks for the Future: An Esplanade 2020 Community Meeting
Frameworks for the Future: Activities, Circulation, Wayfinding, and Landscape --- An Esplanade 2020 Public Meeting
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Boston Public Library
McKim Lower Level Conference Room
700 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
On May 12, 2010, you are invited to join The Esplanade Association and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to review and comment on proposed improvements to the Charles River Esplanade. These suggested changes, made by the Esplanade 2020 Project and conceptual in nature, are meant to both improve the visitor experience and raise the ecological and aesthetic standards of the riverfront park. Team leaders of the Esplanade 2020 Design Group will present, and there will be ample time for community feedback and questions.
Presentations at the public meeting will include:
- Overview of the Esplanade 2020 Project (John Shields, AIA, President of SheildsDESIGN);
- Activities (John Stebbins, AIA, LEED AP, Principle Emeritus of Cambridge Seven Associates);
- Circulation (Anthony Pangaro, Principle of Millennium Partners - Boston, Architect, former Manager of Boston's Southwest Corridor Project);
- Wayfinding (Mark Favermann, Architect, President of Favermann Design); and Landscape (Craig Halverson, FASLA, President of Halverson Design Partnership)
The Esplanade 2020 Project is an initiative of The Esplanade Association, in collaboration with DCR, which is crafting a shared vision for the future of the Charles River Esplanade. In celebration of the park's Centennial Anniversary, the Esplanade 2020 Project is suggesting visionary but realistic changes to the park that will elevate it to its intended status as a world class destination over the next ten years and beyond. Guided by community feedback collected at a series of public meetings, a core group of
architectural, planning, and horticultural professionals is working to analyze current park conditions and make suggestions for substantial park improvements. Esplanade 2020 is an inclusive project, and broad community participation is encouraged.
For more information about Esplanade 2020, or to RSVP, please visit or contact Chris Murton at 617.227.0365 or [email protected].