Issue #165 - April




Successful Rally for Low Income Fares!

the Low Income Fares rally outside the Park Street T stop, showing a crowd of people, largely Black and other BIPOC women of color, holding signs with slogans such as \

It was really great seeing some our partners from Public Transit Public Good and Transit is Essential gathered for a low-income fare rally on Monday. The presence of everyone there brought home the point that low-income fare is not only an equity goal, but also a climate justice imperative. As Mayor Wu said at the rally, "Every investment now is a down payment on our future." A low-income fare can help alleviate the financial burden of transit mobility now, while ensuring a positive mode shift for the future.

ICYMI: We Released a Report on Dismantling Law Enforcement’s Role in Traffic Safety

a photo of a road in Boston, taken from the point of view of someone riding a Duck Boat. There is a man standing in the crosswalk, waiting for cars to let him cross; alongside the traffic lanes are separated, bi-direcitonal bike lanes, and a row of thin trees separates the bike lane from the sidewalk.

In case you missed it, on April 13th we released our latest report: Dismantling Law Enforcement's Role in Traffic Safety: A Roadmap for Massachusetts. This report offers a vision, provides a framework for moving toward traffic safety without police, and offers recommendations for municipalities, state agencies, and elected officials. You can check out the full report here.

We also hosted an event the evening of the release that explored this report, other recent research on the role of policing and prosecution in traffic enforcement, and answered questions from the audience. Keep an eye on the GBH website - they'll be posting the video soon!


Exciting Updates at LivableStreets!

Abby Jamiel, a young white woman with dark brown bangs and shoulder-length brown hair that fades dramatically to blonde, smiles at the camera. She is wearing glasses with striped brown frames, a collared shirt with a pattern featuring a multitude of cats, and is in front of an exterior wall with white siding.

Our team continues to grow! We are so excited to introduce Abby Jamiel, our brand new Emerald Network Project Manager. She's working closely with Program Director Ambar Johnson, and has hit the ground running, meeting partners and getting to know the ins and outs of the Emerald Network. Abby is already an invaluable addition to the team - drop her a note at [email protected] to say hi!



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  • Press: Read local and national press featuring LivableStreets and our work.
  • StreetFilms: Watch videos highlighting our advocacy and events.
  • Greenway Stories: Join us as we explore greenway successes and challenges around the Boston area.

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