DCR Draft Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations
Thursday, January 10th - 7:00-8:30p
@ Ponkapoag Golf Course, 2167 Washington Street, Canton [map]
Presented by the Department of Conservation and Recreation
At this meeting, DCR will present information on draft rules and regulations governing the operations of state parks and recreational facilities, 302 CMR 12.00. These draft rules and regulations will supersede those under which the agency currently operates, contained in 350 CMR 2.00 and 350 CMR 12.00, applying to those properties in the area formerly known as DCR’s Division of Urban Parks, and in 304 CMR 12.00, applying to state park and recreational facilities outside of that area.
The public meeting will include a brief presentation by DCR, followed by an opportunity for public input. The draft regulations are currently available online. The presentation that will be given at the public meeting will be available for viewing shortly on DCR’s website. In accordance with requirements of the Massachusetts Secretary of State, the DCR will conduct a formal hearing process, including statewide public hearings and a public comment period, in early 2013. If you have questions about this public meeting, please call 617-626-4974 or email.