Issue #116 - July 2017

In this issue:

  • Register for Tour de Streets 
  • Last chance to take the Longwood Area multi-modal survey
  • Check out the first annual Neponset RiverFest
  • Provide feedback for the MPO's Title VI report 
  • The Massachusetts Senate passes hands-free legislation
  • Weigh in on the Morrissey Boulevard redesign
  • Apply to join the MBTA Rider Oversight Committee
  • The Town of Brookline is hiring an economic development & long-term planner
  • Transportation for Massachusetts is hiring a Transportation Justice Organizer


What's happening 

Register for Tour de Streets

TourdeStreets.jpgTour de Streets is Saturday, September 9th -- only 8 weeks away! This annual family-friendly event features a 10-mile urban bike ride, a 4-mile family bike ride, and a 3-mile walk. Join the Emerald Network or StreetsPeeps Team or start your own! Click here to view all of the routes.

Don't care to bike or walk? Simply join us for the party! Your participation directly supports all of our programs, including Vision Zero, Better Buses, and the Emerald Network!

Event Details:

Tour de Streets 2017
Saturday, September 9th, 9:30am-2:00pm
@ DCR North Point Park, Cambridge

Last chance to take the Longwood Area multimodal survey

01_LongwoodAreaStreetAmbassadors_BrighamCircle_27June2017.jpegWe're in the homestretch with our Longwood Area Survey! After months of engagement and over 95 volunteer hours of outreach from our Street Ambassador team, we've received over 1500 responses from people who walk, bike, take transit, and drive in the LMA. 

We will be closing the survey this Sunday, July 16, to begin analyzing the data. LivableStreets will continue to work with the Longwood Area Cyclists to compile a report based on our findings. From there, we'll engage industry leaders, city officials, and the public to further our vision for an improved transportation system.

If you haven't yet, please take the survey here if it applies to you. Help us in the final days by forwarding the survey to 4 friends or colleagues who travel in or through the Longwood Area. 

Check out the first annual Neponset RiverFest

Neponset_riverfest.jpgAll are invited to the first annual Neponset RiverFest in Dorchester! New parks and bike paths line the shores of the Neponset River, along with beautiful natural salt marshes and wetlands that support more than 200 species of birds, fish, and other wildlife. The RiverFest is a free, family-friendly, public event. Come celebrate this natural wonder and discover all it has to offer. Click here for details and free registration.

Event Details:
Neponset RiverFest
Saturday, July 22, 10:00am - 2:00pm
@ DCR Pope John Paul II Park
Corner of Granite Ave and Hilltop Street, Dorchester

Provide feedback for the MPO's Title VI report

TE_Logo.jpgThe Boston MPO recently released a draft of its triennial Title VI report, which reviews their efforts to comply with federal civil rights regulations such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Review the report for yourself and tell the MPO whether they've met their obligations or how you would like the organization to address equity-related issues in the future. Submit a comment via [email protected], or use the online comment form. The MPO is also hosting special Title VI office hours on Thursday, July, 13, from 1:30pm-6:00pm, for the public to talk about anything related to Title VI and transportation equity.


The Massachusetts Senate passes hands-free legislation

Massachusetts_State_House_-_Boston__MA_-_DSC04664.jpgIn April, members of the Massachusetts Vision Zero Coalition testified in support of hands-free legislation, which, if implemented, would prohibit using a mobile device to make calls, take photos, or access social media while driving. Late last month, the Senate approved the bill H 3660 / S 1962), which will now move onto the House. 

Passionate about keeping our streets safe? Reach out to your state representative and encourage him/her to support the bill's passage. 

Weigh in on the Morrissey Boulevard redesign

Morrissey_Blvd.PNGOn June 27th, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) presented their design plan for Morrissey Boulevard. DCR has proposed removing a vehicle travel lane and improving signal timing at intersections so the boulevard can more efficiently move people in cars while also providing amenities for people biking and walking. Some of the proposed improvements include adding two-way cycle tracks, sidewalks, and landscape buffers. Click here to view the full presentation. 

Although the proposed redesign is a vast improvement over the current conditions, there is a lot more that can be done to make this a safe and pleasant walking environment for people. Widening the sidewalks and getting rid of the median would help reduce speeding and ensure a safer walking environment for families and groups. Please consider submitting comments to DCR by July 18th. 


Apply to join the MBTA Rider Oversight Committee

ROC_Logo_cropped.pngThe MBTA Rider Oversight Committee (ROC) is extending its membership application deadline through July 31, 2017. All applications that have been received so far are still under consideration.

The MBTA ROC is a diverse group of riders and MBTA employees who provide recommendations to the MBTA and communicate the needs and concerns of all riders. We are seeking individuals with a strong interest in transit issues and a willingness to make a firm commitment to the Committee's mission. We require that you be able to commit to meeting twice a month for a total of 3.5 to 4 hours per month.

If you wish to be considered for a position, please visit our application webpage

The Town of Brookline is hiring an economic development & long-term planner

brookline-town-sign.pngBrookline seeks an entrepreneurial planner to collaborate with residents, business owners, and Town officials on a series of long-term planning projects. Additionally, this position supports the prosperity of businesses and appropriate commercial growth. The ideal candidate will delight in problem solving; and be obsessed with authentic community engagement, curious about real estate development, and known for his or her writing and editing prowess; and have some Chinese or Spanish language skills. For more info click here.

Transportation for Massachusetts is hiring a Transportation Justice Organizer

t4ma.jpgThe Transportation for Massachusetts coalition is hiring a Transportation Justice Organizer. This person will collaborate with social justice and community-based organizations and other coalition partners that are working to improve and expand access to public transportation, walking, biking, and other affordable, clean, and reliable transportation options. As part of that work, he or she will develop and maintain partnerships and mobilize coalition members to create transformative policy change at the local, state, and federal levels. For more info, click here.