Go Boston 2030



Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  Go Boston 2030 is a City of Boston initiative to envision a bold transportation future for the city. The 18-month initiative aims to develop a far-reaching vision driven by data and steered through an unprecedented and inclusive public engagement process.

Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  This plan begins from the premise that transportation policy is about people and how they get around. The plan will propose how policies can support significant improvements in equity, climate, & economy.


Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  Question Campaign over by the winter, collecting over 5,000 responses to the prompt “What’s your question about getting around Boston in the future?”

Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  Public Visioning Lab on May 8th & 9th, asking residents, visitors, workers and neighbors to show up in support and share their ideas with the city for how to address questions submitted.

Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  LivableStreets helped shape the Go Boston 2030 initiative as a member of the Green Ribbon Commission Transportation Working Group and Mayor Walsh's Transportation Transition Team.

Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  LivableStreets is a member of the Advisory Committee, and the Subcommittee on Public Engagement.


Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  The Go Boston 2030 Vision Report is being drafted now. For the latest information, visit Go Boston 2030 website. An Action Plan specifying policies and projects is due in early 2016.

Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  This summer and fall we anticipate there will be opportunities for the public to provide feedback.

Screen_Shot_2015-06-08_at_2.32.41_PM.png  LivableStreets is working to ensure that the resulting plan will lead to a world-class transportation network that provides safe, convenient, innovative, and affordable transportation options for you. LivableStreets is an active member of the Advisory Committee, and will keep you engaged and updated. 

In News

March 2015 - Mayor Walsh Announces Future Focused Transportation Improvements - City of Boston pdf_image.png 
